Governments around the world spend millions of dollars every year on software and digital tools to simplify administrative processes, fight climate change, strengthen health care and improve our quality of life. But what would happen if those digital tools were also open in order to be shared and adapted to new uses?
That is the aim of Code for Development, an Inter-American Development Bank initiative which allows you to explore and reuse open source digital tools that can be used in the implementation of programs and projects for the economic and social development of Latin American and Caribbean countries.
On this site, you can learn about different kinds of digital tools used in development projects. More advanced users and developers can also download the source code stored in the IDB’s account on the GitHub platform and create new versions adapted to their needs.
Software is a fundamental tool for the design and implementation of projects and programs. With Code for Development, the IDB seeks to strengthen its commitment to the use and promotion of open knowledge, as well as to accelerate the discussion on how technology can bolster the development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Want to collaborate?
Code for Development allows you to share your digital tool so that governments and citizens can use it to solve development problems. If you have a digital tool with the potential to support development goals that also complies with the necessary documentation, publication and licensing requirements to be reused by others, share your digital tool via this link.
If you have questions about this initiative or need more information on how to share your digital tool, write to us at