Section 3 Data exploration and preselection of covariates

The data used in the model can be separated into two main categories:

  1. The outcome variables, which are the three development indicators (income, poverty, and literacy)
  2. The covariates, which are the set of predictors derived in Section 9 that will be used to predict the outcome variables in segmentos not sampled in the EHPM survey.

When exploring the outcome data, the aim is to identify possible issues such as a lack of variation or the presence of outliers. The exploration also helps in specifying the likelihood function for the outcome data (e.g., Gaussian, gamma, beta, etc.).

For the covariates, we start by reducing their number to limit the effect of multicollinearity, which is the presence of highly correlated covariates in the model. Reducing the number of covariates will also reduce the risk of retaining covariates because of chance correlation in a next stepwise covariates selection process as shown in section 5.

Lastly, we will investigate the correlation of the preselected covariates with the outcome variables.

3.1 Outcome Variables: Distribution and Outliers

3.1.1 Income

We start by exploring the distribution of the median income per segmento. It is named ingpe in the dataset:

Figure 3.1: Median income per segmento

As is common with income distributions, this distribution is right skewed: the median income is between USD 95 and 105 in most segmentos and reaches values above USD 200 in a few of them. An option is to log-transform the data to make it Gaussian.1 Another option is to model income with a gamma likelihood function, which accounts for the asymmetry of the income distribution.

Figure 3.2: Median Income Map

Figure 3.2 shows that all the segmentos with a median income above USD 265 (blue markers) are clustered together in urban centers, while the four with an income above USD 700 (gold markers) are located in Antiguo Cuscatlan, one of the country’s wealthiest neighborhoods where several embassies are located.

The national statistical office of El Salvador (DIGESTYC) classifies segmentos into rural and urban. Figure 3.3 shows the log-transformed distribution of median income for rural and urban segmentos separately.

Figure 3.3: Rural-Urban Median Income Distribution

Figure 3.3 shows that log transformation appears to be successful at making the distribution Gaussian. As seen in Figure 3.2, the median income is higher among urban than rural segmentos.

Furthermore, the main difference between the rural and urban income distributions is a location shift: the variance or skewness of the income distribution does not appear to vary significantly between rural and urban segmentos. Figure 3.3 suggests that a single model could be used provided that a binary covariate identifying rural and urban segmentos is used in the model (instead of running separate models for rural and urban segmentos).

In summary, this first exploration of the median income outcome data suggests that one could use either a gamma or a Gaussian likelihood function. In the latter case, income should be log-transformed. Furthermore, there are clear spatial patterns whereby urban areas have higher income levels than rural ones and segmentos that are close to each other tend to have similar income levels. Explicitly modeling spatial dependency is hence likely to improve the model’s goodness of fit. Lastly, we do not see any major difference between the distributions of income of rural and urban segmentos except for a location shift (all values shifted to the right among urban segmentos). A single model run both on rural and urban segmentos appears appropriate provided that a binary covariate identifying the rural or urban category is used.

3.1.2 Literacy

The variable literacy_rate provides the proportion of survey participants 16 years or older who can read and write. Its domain is bounded between 0 percent to 100 percent.

Figure 3.4: Rural-Urban Literacy Rates

The distribution of literacy in rural and urban segmentos appears quite different. Of the 950 urban segmentos, 181 have a 100 percent literacy rate among adult EHPM respondents. In contrast, no such spike is observed in the rural areas. This finding suggests that literacy could be modeled as a two-step process for urban areas: (1) the presence/absence of illiteracy is modeled, and (2) the proportion of illiteracy is modeled. In rural areas, only the second step would be necessary.

Figure next figure shows the map of literacy for the EHPM segmentos.

Figure 3.5: Literacy Rate Map

There is a clear spatial pattern: literacy rates are highest in urban areas, particularly around the capital city. Areas in the northwest (the departments of San Miguel, Morazan, and La Union) have low literacy levels.

In summary, modeling literacy will be more complex than modeling income. First, a zero-inflated model might be appropriate, particularly for urban segmentos. Second, the distribution of literacy appears to vary between rural and urban segmentos, and not only in terms of the location. Therefore, separate or mixed models for rural and urban segmentos might be more appropriate. In both cases, a beta likelihood function might be appropriate, as literacy rates are bounded between 0 and 100 percent. Lastly, there is a clear spatial pattern suggesting that explicitly taking the spatial dependence structure into account will increase the model’s goodness of fit.

3.1.3 Moderate Poverty

The variable pobreza_mod provides the proportion of survey participants 16 years or older living in moderate poverty. Its domain is bounded between 0 to 1.

Figure 3.6: Rural-Urban Moderate Poverty Rate

Figure 3.6 shows that more than 100 urban segmentos have no adult EHPM respondents living in poverty but no rural segmento does. Except for this important difference, the distribution of poverty of rural and urban segmentos does not appear to differ much.

Figure 3.7 shows the map of moderate poverty for the EHPM segmentos.

Figure 3.7: Moderate Poverty Map

Interestingly, the picture is much less clear when mapping moderate poverty than income. However, the general urban-rural divide appears to hold.

As poverty is measured as a proportion, we will use a beta likelihood. Given the high number of segmentos with zero respondents living in poverty, we will test a zero-inflated beta likelihood. Lastly, as the excess number of zeros is present only among urban segmentos, we will compare results of the two separate models for rural and urban segmentos with the results of when only one model is run.

3.2 Unsupervised Dimension Reduction Based on Distance Correlation

We now reduce the number of covariates by removing highly correlated covariates. Before starting the process, we standardize the covariates to limit the effect of the various scales and measurement units of each covariate on the computation of the correlation.

3.2.1 Obtaining a Data Frame with Standardized Covariates

We start by storing the candidate covariates in a data frame.

# Join with shapefile ####

# Identify EHPM segmentos ####


# Remove outcome variables and administrative information ####

# covariates=ehpm17_predictors_survey%>%
#   select(-c(SEG_ID,municauto,n_obs,pobreza_extrema,pobreza_mod,literacy_rate,ingpe,DEPTO,
#             ndvi_17_perc_median,ndvi_17_perc_sd,ndvi_17_perc_sum,
#             chirps_ev_perc_norm,chirps_ev_2017, chirps_ev_perc_norm,
#             dist2allpubserv,lights_sd,gpw_es_TOT,gpw_es_avg_dens,dist2water_r,
#             soil_prod_state,soil_carb,soil_luc,soil_prod_prf,soil_prod_state,soil_prod_trj,settlements))

# Create binary variables from the livelihood zone categories
         LZ_BasicGrainLaborZone=ifelse(LZNAMEEN=="Basic Grain and Labor Zone",
         LZ_CentralIndusServ=ifelse(LZNAMEEN=="Central Free-Trade, Services and Industrial Labor Zone",
         LZ_CoffeeAgroIndus=ifelse(LZNAMEEN=="Coffee, Agro-Industrial and Labor Zone",
         LZ_LvstckGrainRem=ifelse(LZNAMEEN=="Eastern Basic Grain, Labor, Livestock and Remittance Zone",
         LZ_FishAgriTourism=ifelse(LZNAMEEN=="Fishing, Aquaculture and Tourism Zone",

We write a function myStd to standardize the covariates by subtracting the mean from each observation and dividing them by the standard deviation.

myStd=function(x){ # Standardize a given covariate x with the myStd function
  mu_x=mean(x,na.rm = T)
  sd_x=sd(x,na.rm = T)

We then apply myStd to each covariate.

covariates_std=apply(covariates,2,myStd) # We then apply the function myStd to each covariate

The data frame covariates_std contains the standardized covariates.

Before removing highly correlated covariates, we compute the variance inflation factor (VIF) to determine the presence of multicollinearity.

# Calculate the VIF before selecting covariates ####

formula_glm= reformulate(paste(names(covariates_std_df),collapse="+"),

##                 luxury                    bus               hospital 
##               1.041469               1.063869               1.105755 
##                   fuel                    mkt                parking 
##               1.130935               1.188140               1.208130 
##          soil_prod_prf              cult_educ               official 
##               1.242899               1.252937               1.348125 
##                   food                    fin       dens_rural_track 
##               1.360186               1.386133               1.403419 
##               building                worship        dens_fast_track 
##               1.420363               1.435243               1.436840 
##         dens_secondary                   shop              secondary 
##               1.455963               1.464974               1.473073 
##             fast_track               tertiary            residential 
##               1.485937               1.537712               1.538448 
##      dens_unclassified             health_srv            rural_track 
##               1.541739               1.551940               1.607205 
##          dens_tertiary           unclassified            dist2health 
##               1.705620               1.733906               1.858782 
##              all_roads         urban_no_motor     LZ_FishAgriTourism 
##               1.931947               1.932650               1.989607 
##              dist2hosp            dist2crop_r       dens_residential 
##               2.181394               2.283840               2.323513 
##                  slope           dist2pubamen              dist2road 
##               2.372871               2.465642               2.508210 
##          soil_prod_trj            dist2tree_r             gpw_es_TOT 
##               2.522349               2.533267               2.596605 
##      dist2schools_priv             Shape_Area                sch_pri 
##               2.686345               2.933353               3.113431 
##         dist2roadInter         dens_all_roads               soil_luc 
##               3.142500               3.152475               3.218847 
##                AREA_ID      LZ_LvstckGrainRem               pop_dens 
##               3.249108               3.327067               3.331335 
##     LZ_CoffeeAgroIndus    dens_urban_no_motor               dist2biz 
##               3.415023               3.428458               3.444821 
##         chirps_ev_2017           dist2coast_r LZ_BasicGrainLaborZone 
##               3.445628               3.510607               3.593043 
##           dist2urban_r              soil_carb               dist2fin 
##               3.627804               3.727184               3.768047 
##       ndvi_17_perc_sum        soil_prod_state    LZ_CentralIndusServ 
##               4.298087               4.874471               4.950485 
##          chirps_ev_med     soil_deg_SDG_index            settlements 
##               5.255571               6.850837               6.951521 
##              lights_sd            ndvi_17_sum             lights_med 
##               7.340702               7.865851              12.760513 
##                lc_crop       dist2schools_pub                lc_tree 
##              14.256064              17.284021              21.274021 
##        dist2allpubserv               lc_urban                sch_pub 
##              21.442907              22.713274              35.288954 
##           dist2schools                    dem                    sch 
##              36.022745              36.222480              37.125670 
##            temp_median         health_esp_seg        health_intermed 
##              39.379451              48.457934             352.252893 
##           health_basic                 health             dist2water 
##             390.098294             763.726685           21007.340492 
##           dist2water_r 
##           21014.000919
## [1] 1664   82
## [1] 22

Values below 3 mean there are no multicollinearity issues. Values above 5 are indicative of multicollinearity issues. Of the 82 candidate covariates, 22 have a VIF higher than 5. Some covariate preselection is hence justified. This multicollinearity might be caused by the fact that

  • Many predictors are an expression of the same raw data (e.g., distance to schools and distance to public services)
  • Some predictors cover similar physical features but come from different data sources (e.g., distance to coastline and distance to water bodies)
  • Some predictors are closely associated with each other (e.g., lights at night and percentage of the area classified as urban)

3.2.2 Dimension Reduction Based on Distance Correlation

We start by computing our Distance correlation between all of the covariate pairs. Measuring correlation with this correlation better accounts for nonlinearity in the relationship between two variables than a standard Pearson correlation.

This can be illustrated by computing the Pearson and Distance correlations in the case of a linear or quadratic relationship.


  plotly::layout(title=paste0("Pearson corr:",format(round(cor(x,y),4),scientific=F),
                 "\nDistance corr:",round(dcor(x,y),4)))

Figure 3.8: Linear Relationship: Pearson Correlation Picks It Up

  plotly::layout(title=paste0("Pearson corr:",format(round(cor(x,y),4),scientific=F),
                 "\nDistance corr:",round(dcor(x,y),4)))

Figure 3.9: Quadratic Relationship: Only The Distance Correlation Picks It Up

While the measure of association is similar for both correlation metrics when the dependence between the variables is linear, as shown in Figure 3.8, the Distance correlation is much better at capturing a nonlinear relationship between \(X\) and \(Y\), as shown by the Distance correlation of 0.46 against -0.0128 for the Pearson correlation reported in Figure 3.9.

The Distance correlation for all pairs of covariates is computed as follows.

# Compute the Distance correlation between all pairs of covariates
## 1788.455 sec elapsed
diag(distMatrix)=NA # Replace diag with NA

We then randomly remove one of the two most-correlated covariates and repeat the process until only 50 covariates are left, which is 5 percent of the sample size of the training. The latter figure is a generally accepted rule of thumb to decide on an appropriate number of covariates to start the backward covariate selection process, as it limits the risk of chance correlation—finding a significant correlation by chance.

# Randomly remove one of the two most-correlated covariates 
trainig_set_n=dim(covariates_std)[1]*0.6 # Size of the training set = 60%, validation set = 20%, test set=20%
target_n_cov=round(0.045*trainig_set_n) # Target number of covariates: 5% of training set= 50
n_cov=dim(covariates_std)[2] # Starting number of covariates = 58 


for(i in 1:n_to_remove){ # Continue to remove the two most-correlated covariates until covariates number only 5% of training set 
  index_max <- arrayInd(which.max(distMatrix_reduced),
                        dim(distMatrix_reduced)) # Get index of columns and rows of the max d-corr cell
  set.seed(i+2) # Set seeds for replicability

  remove_cov_pair=round(runif(1)+1) # Either the row (1) or column covariate (2)
  remove_cov=index_max[remove_cov_pair] # Select index of row or column
  print(paste("cov removed",colnames(distMatrix_reduced)[remove_cov])) # Print the names of the covariate removed
  distMatrix_reduced=distMatrix_reduced[-remove_cov,-remove_cov] # Remove the corresponding covariate from distMatrix
## [1] "dist2water_r" "dist2water"  
## [1] 0.9999477
## [1] "cov removed dist2water_r"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2allpubserv" "dist2schools"   
## [1] 0.9731764
## [1] "cov removed dist2schools"
## [1] ""
## [1] "temp_median" "dem"        
## [1] 0.9594395
## [1] "cov removed temp_median"
## [1] ""
## [1] "sch_pub" "sch"    
## [1] 0.9500018
## [1] "cov removed sch"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2allpubserv"  "dist2schools_pub"
## [1] 0.9212498
## [1] "cov removed dist2schools_pub"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lights_sd"  "lights_med"
## [1] 0.9194312
## [1] "cov removed lights_sd"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lc_urban"    "settlements"
## [1] 0.8422507
## [1] "cov removed lc_urban"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lights_med"  "settlements"
## [1] 0.8173944
## [1] "cov removed settlements"
## [1] ""
## [1] "soil_luc"  "soil_carb"
## [1] 0.8060875
## [1] "cov removed soil_luc"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lights_med"  "ndvi_17_sum"
## [1] 0.7990358
## [1] "cov removed lights_med"
## [1] ""
## [1] "soil_deg_SDG_index" "soil_prod_state"   
## [1] 0.7969524
## [1] "cov removed soil_prod_state"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2allpubserv" "Shape_Area"     
## [1] 0.7797326
## [1] "cov removed dist2allpubserv"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lc_tree"     "dist2tree_r"
## [1] 0.7721969
## [1] "cov removed dist2tree_r"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_residential" "dens_all_roads"  
## [1] 0.7399636
## [1] "cov removed dens_all_roads"
## [1] ""
## [1] "Shape_Area" "AREA_ID"   
## [1] 0.7322786
## [1] "cov removed Shape_Area"
## [1] ""
## [1] "pop_dens"   "gpw_es_TOT"
## [1] 0.7249122
## [1] "cov removed gpw_es_TOT"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_urban_no_motor" "urban_no_motor"     
## [1] 0.7237921
## [1] "cov removed dens_urban_no_motor"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2urban_r"      "dist2schools_priv"
## [1] 0.7161026
## [1] "cov removed dist2schools_priv"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2urban_r"   "dist2roadInter"
## [1] 0.7024571
## [1] "cov removed dist2roadInter"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2fin" "dist2biz"
## [1] 0.6998672
## [1] "cov removed dist2fin"
## [1] ""
## [1] "health_basic" "health"      
## [1] 0.6977073
## [1] "cov removed health"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2urban_r" "AREA_ID"     
## [1] 0.6967835
## [1] "cov removed dist2urban_r"
## [1] ""
## [1] "soil_deg_SDG_index" "soil_prod_trj"     
## [1] 0.6849447
## [1] "cov removed soil_deg_SDG_index"
## [1] ""
## [1] "LZ_CentralIndusServ" "pop_dens"           
## [1] 0.6684595
## [1] "cov removed LZ_CentralIndusServ"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_secondary" "secondary"     
## [1] 0.6614154
## [1] "cov removed secondary"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lc_tree" "slope"  
## [1] 0.6532028
## [1] "cov removed lc_tree"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2biz"     "dist2pubamen"
## [1] 0.6480211
## [1] "cov removed dist2biz"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_rural_track" "rural_track"     
## [1] 0.6472546
## [1] "cov removed dens_rural_track"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_fast_track" "fast_track"     
## [1] 0.5912912
## [1] "cov removed fast_track"
## [1] ""
## [1] "ndvi_17_sum" "AREA_ID"    
## [1] 0.5816056
## [1] "cov removed AREA_ID"
## [1] ""
## [1] "chirps_ev_med"  "chirps_ev_2017"
## [1] 0.5710039
## [1] "cov removed chirps_ev_med"
## [1] ""
## [1] "lc_crop"     "dist2crop_r"
## [1] 0.5641672
## [1] "cov removed lc_crop"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_tertiary" "tertiary"     
## [1] 0.5551673
## [1] "cov removed tertiary"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dens_unclassified" "unclassified"     
## [1] 0.5353308
## [1] "cov removed unclassified"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2crop_r" "slope"      
## [1] 0.522504
## [1] "cov removed slope"
## [1] ""
## [1] "pop_dens"    "ndvi_17_sum"
## [1] 0.4994304
## [1] "cov removed pop_dens"
## [1] ""
## [1] "dist2coast_r"   "chirps_ev_2017"
## [1] 0.488211
## [1] "cov removed dist2coast_r"
## [1] ""

Next, we recompute the VIF with the remaining 50 covariates. Median lights at night (named lights_med in the dataset), the rural-urban DYGESTIC binary segmentos classification (named AREA_ID in the dataset), population density (pop_dens), and slope (slope) are removed in the process, but they need to be reintroduced because we expect them to be important predictors of the development outcomes.

# RE calculate vif ####
##  [1] "all_roads"              "building"               "bus"                   
##  [4] "chirps_ev_2017"         "cult_educ"              "dem"                   
##  [7] "dens_fast_track"        "dens_residential"       "dens_secondary"        
## [10] "dens_tertiary"          "dens_unclassified"      "dist2crop_r"           
## [13] "dist2health"            "dist2hosp"              "dist2pubamen"          
## [16] "dist2road"              "dist2water"             "fin"                   
## [19] "food"                   "fuel"                   "health_basic"          
## [22] "health_esp_seg"         "health_intermed"        "health_srv"            
## [25] "hospital"               "luxury"                 "LZ_BasicGrainLaborZone"
## [28] "LZ_CoffeeAgroIndus"     "LZ_FishAgriTourism"     "LZ_LvstckGrainRem"     
## [31] "mkt"                    "ndvi_17_perc_sum"       "ndvi_17_sum"           
## [34] "official"               "parking"                "residential"           
## [37] "rural_track"            "sch_pri"                "sch_pub"               
## [40] "shop"                   "soil_carb"              "soil_prod_prf"         
## [43] "soil_prod_trj"          "urban_no_motor"         "worship"

formula_glm_1= reformulate(paste(names(covariates_std_reduced_df),collapse="+"),
##                 luxury                    bus         dens_secondary 
##               1.017735               1.045257               1.069115 
##         health_esp_seg               hospital           health_basic 
##               1.077276               1.087613               1.089489 
##        health_intermed                   fuel          soil_prod_prf 
##               1.093697               1.108080               1.112309 
##        dens_fast_track      dens_unclassified                sch_pri 
##               1.119581               1.131510               1.138939 
##          dens_tertiary                    mkt            rural_track 
##               1.139313               1.147971               1.164022 
##                parking              cult_educ         urban_no_motor 
##               1.193745               1.203896               1.215575 
##              soil_carb               building          soil_prod_trj 
##               1.241506               1.250470               1.283704 
##               official                   food                    fin 
##               1.313564               1.330757               1.335872 
##                worship                sch_pub                   shop 
##               1.374467               1.407148               1.419167 
##     LZ_FishAgriTourism            residential       dens_residential 
##               1.426517               1.427602               1.448909 
##              all_roads             health_srv         chirps_ev_2017 
##               1.450050               1.483279               1.494114 
##              dist2road            dist2health              dist2hosp 
##               1.521071               1.613757               1.659747 
##           dist2pubamen               pop_dens            dist2crop_r 
##               1.746986               1.796098               1.805095 
##             dist2water     LZ_CoffeeAgroIndus LZ_BasicGrainLaborZone 
##               1.809049               1.830862               1.990535 
##                  slope      LZ_LvstckGrainRem                    dem 
##               2.057306               2.189399               2.276269 
##                AREA_ID       ndvi_17_perc_sum             lights_med 
##               2.364066               3.281148               4.858914 
##            ndvi_17_sum 
##               5.740155
##  [1] "all_roads"              "AREA_ID"                "building"              
##  [4] "bus"                    "chirps_ev_2017"         "cult_educ"             
##  [7] "dem"                    "dens_fast_track"        "dens_residential"      
## [10] "dens_secondary"         "dens_tertiary"          "dens_unclassified"     
## [13] "dist2crop_r"            "dist2health"            "dist2hosp"             
## [16] "dist2pubamen"           "dist2road"              "dist2water"            
## [19] "fin"                    "food"                   "fuel"                  
## [22] "health_basic"           "health_esp_seg"         "health_intermed"       
## [25] "health_srv"             "hospital"               "lights_med"            
## [28] "luxury"                 "LZ_BasicGrainLaborZone" "LZ_CoffeeAgroIndus"    
## [31] "LZ_FishAgriTourism"     "LZ_LvstckGrainRem"      "mkt"                   
## [34] "ndvi_17_perc_sum"       "ndvi_17_sum"            "official"              
## [37] "parking"                "pop_dens"               "residential"           
## [40] "rural_track"            "sch_pri"                "sch_pub"               
## [43] "shop"                   "slope"                  "soil_carb"             
## [46] "soil_prod_prf"          "soil_prod_trj"          "urban_no_motor"        
## [49] "worship"

The VIF figures are much more acceptable now. The reduced number of covariates limits the risk of chance correlation. We write the covariates and their names in .csv files for later use.

# Write the names of selected features into .csv ####
            row.names = F)

# Write the selected features and outcome into .csv ####

            row.names = F)

3.3 Correlations between the Predictors and the Outcome Variables

We now explore the relationship between the predictors and the outcome variables. This will give us a feel of the important covariate in the model.

3.3.1 Correlation with Income

We compute the distance correlation for all covariates with a loop and store these correlations in a data frame.


for(i in 1:50){ # Where 50 is the number of 

## Warning: The `x` argument of `as_tibble.matrix()` must have column names if `.name_repair` is omitted as of tibble 2.0.0.
## Using compatibility `.name_repair`.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
corr_df$covariate = names_df 


corr_df=corr_df %>% 

Lastly, we select only the variables with an absolute distance correlation with income higher than 20 percent and plot the correlation with income. The latter selection is only for illustrative purposes: we do not want to clutter the graph.


                               levels = corr_df_top$covariate)
       name = corr_df_top$covariate)%>%
  layout(title="Covariate Correlations with Income",
         yaxis=list(tickformat = "%"))

Figure 3.10: Correlation of Candidate Covariates with Income


As expected, among the three most important covariates are those indicative of urban centers: light at night intensity, rural/urban classification of the segment, and distance to public amenities.

To get a sense of the direction of the correlation and the associations between the variables, we plot a correlogram.

  dplyr::select_(.dots =c("ingpe",corr_df_top$covariate))
## Warning: `select_()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `select()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
               # groups=gr,
               title="Correlations: Income and Predictors")
Correlogram of Income (ingpe) with Candidate Covariates

Figure 3.11: Correlogram of Income (ingpe) with Candidate Covariates

The plot in Fig.3.11 clearly shows that the top predictors are highly correlated.

3.3.2 Correlation with Literacy

The process described in the previous subsection is repeated for literacy.

Light at night is again the best predictor of literacy, by distance, the rural-urban segmento identifier, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI).

3.3.3 Correlation with Poverty

In examining this correlation, NDVI and distance to public amenities and hospitals, in particular, come first. We see that the level of correlation is lower than in the previous plot, suggesting that it might be harder to find good model fit for moderate poverty than for the other indicators.

Figure 3.12: Correlation of Candidate Covariates with Moderate Poverty

  1. A Gaussian distribution is a normal distribution. We use the former terminology as it corresponds to the INLA one↩︎